Infinity Mobile Apps
Free to your end user, 100% revenue generation, custom design, over 35+ plugins available
User’s Spend 90% of their mobile time in apps
Accommodate your consumer’s lifestyle.
- iOS and Android versions
- Full content control via the Infinity App Dashboard
- 100% Sponsorship Revenue generation
- Ability to link to outside sources such as Pointstreak, Ticket Return, etc.
- Integration with Infinity ISM to pull stories, rosters & schedules from your site
- Quick and easy to update
- Available in Google Play and App store
- Ability for Push Notifications
- Design Flexibility
- Over 35 plugins available – Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, iCal, multimedia, etc.
- Dedicated Project Manager
- Free to end user
And coming soon… in-app concession delivery!


One of the bests relationships our organization has is with Infinity. The app process was lightning quick from the planning stage to launch, and we are thrilled with the final product. The platform itself is incredibly easy to use and we can’t wait to roll it out for the upcoming season.

It’s especially important to us to engage with our fans during events and games. The components in our mobile app allows us our fans to shop for the gear they see on the team while in their seats as well as providing outlets to follow the team even on the road. It’s been an amazing marketing tool!”

Our users rave over the ease of use and it’s effective yet simplistic design. And we rave over the increased sales we’ve seen from implementing the push notifications, loyalty program, and third party integrations. One of the best decisions we’ve made by far.